Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Questionnaire Questions.

Slideshare on my questionnaire questions for my indie music magazine.

Questionnaire Screenshot.

A screenshot of my music magazine questionnaire that I gave out for people to fill in to help me with my own indie music magazine. I asked 20 different people to fill in my questionnaire which the questions were revolved around the indie genre.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Analysis of an indie Double Page Spread.

This is an analysis of a professional double page spread from NME magazine, I made this using Prezi, it shows an explanation of the codes and conventions of a double page spread and an image of a professional double page spread from NME.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Research on the Indie Music Magazine Market Place.

Prezi to show my research on the indie music magazine market place. All 3 magazine examples include their Media Pack.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Evaluation of School Front Cover and Contents Page.

An evaluation created with Powerpoint and uploaded on Slideshare to show my process of my final school magazine front cover and contents page.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Final Image of Contents Page.

This is my final image of my contents page. I did this by using Quark.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Final School Magazine Front Cover.

Final Front Cover design for my school magazine front cover. It has changed from the original plan from the student changing to a sixth form student along with the main coverline changing from 'School Uniform' to 'School Fashion Week'.The layout is very much the same along with the masthead, coverlines and sublines etc. I could have included the writing in the puff on the left side of the magazine. This is for the 'free pasta token' included within the magazine.

School Magazine Contents Page Screen Shots.

A sliderocket to show how I made my contents page for my School Magazine on Quark. Including analysis of what I did.

School Magazine Front Cover Screen Shots.

Screen shots of how I made my school magazine front cover on Photoshop.

Photos took/used for school magazine.

Photos I took/used for my school magazine front cover and contents page, used with sliderocket.

Sketch School Magazine Contents Page.

Sketch of my school magazine contents page on Glogster. Different from written up plan as I changed the main coverline 'School Uniform' to 'School Fashion Week'.

Planning Content

Powerpoint to show my plan for my school magazine contents page.

Sketch School Magazine Front Cover

Image of my sketch front cover for my school magazine.

School Magazine Front cover Plan

A powerpoint to present my school front cover plan, I then uploaded this to slideshare.